Transitions photo of the Pacific coastline, sea, sky, and land


This Page lists an overview of the contents of RoseLight Transitions meditations

  • Use your awareness to build consciousness in different areas of your life
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  • If you’d like to hear an audio sample of our home study meditations, click here
  • To see an index of all our meditations, click here

Transitions Singles

Choosing Well Audio meditation—Crystallize flow into more vibrant thoughts, to shape your choices moving forward

Transcript PDF text file available in US Ltr or A4 format

Riding Higher Flows Audio meditation—Great “all purpose” process—relax, center, and join a higher flow

Transcript PDF text file available in US Ltr or A4 format

Transitions Volume 1: A Light Being’s Guide to the Earthchanges

A Light Being’s Guide to the Earthchanges Help the future of our planet and live more easily in these changing times

Transcript PDF text file contains transcripts of all 7 meditations in US Ltr or A4 format

1. Stewards of the Earthchanges Consider your stewardship and impact upon the Earth
2. Your Bodies: Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Your physical, emotional, and mental bodies are vehicles to express your love, light, and flow on Earth
3. Gaining Calm Gaining calm is a process helped by the wise teacher within you and your choices to learn and grow
4. Making Choices: The Power of Creation Through your choices, you have the opportunity to change the course of your life, to begin to live more fully from a place of peace
5. Aligning with Planetary Flows Gratitude for the Earth’s gifts helps align your life with the larger planetary flows
6. Serving Others As you grow, serving others becomes a natural part of your path
7. Coming Home Home is where your heart is, the central point of emanation of your love, your doorway into Oneness

Transitions Volume 2: Bringing Light to Death & Dying

Bringing Light to Death & Dying Support for your own and others’ passage into light

Transcript PDF text file contains transcripts of all 12 meditations in US Ltr or A4 format

1. Welcome & Dedication LDD You can begin right now to open the passageway of death so that it is easier and smoother for you when you arrive there
2. The Dissolving Process of Death—General Understand the general subtle energy principles of death so that you can better understand the process, relax, and prepare; this helps you live a freer, more joyful life
3. Seats of Consciousness Step through some of the multidimensional reality you experience when you leave the Earth plane
4. Impermanence & Change Perceive and befriend the great forces that lie behind death
5. Life After Death Understand more about the continuation of your consciousness after your spark of light separates from your physical body
6. Exploring Patterns of Passage Bring awareness, light, and flow to your way of making transitions, to prepare for your death to be smoother and more joyful
7. Forgiveness & Unconditional Love: Dissolving Learn a practice to generate forgiveness and unconditional love so that after death, you can create a more beautiful existence and during this life, you can live more fully in joy on Earth
8. Letting Go of Worry & Control: Dissolving Create a life of more freedom, joy, and empowerment for yourself and others, and prepare to release your attachments as you leave this life
9. Physical Energy Alignment & Withdrawal Prepare to consciously withdraw energy from your physical systems at the time of your death
10. Navigating Mental Dissolving Become more aware of the subtle energy process of your mental body dissolving
11. About Suicide Suicide and sovereignty, from a light being’s perspective
12. Bonds of Love, Post-Death Relations Ripen your bonds of love