The Luo Channels & Their Primaries
February – December 2025
This year we’ll focus on flow in the middle level of the body/psyche, the level of Blood, the arena of our memories, emotions, mental focus, personality, social connections, and physical organs, served by the Luo Channels. The Luos are part of a system known as the Complement Channels, that connect the human physical body and psyche with higher vibrational spiritual dimensions. Although knowledge of these Channels has been carefully tended for thousands of years by spiritual adepts, now it is becoming more widely available for our benefit, and the benefit of humanity.
This is a course in spiritual direction through the body, co-creation and manifesting.
If you’d like to learn more, watch this free introductory lecture on the Luo class by Amy, recorded January 22, 2025; the passcode to watch is AA7#ckC&
The Luo Channels
- Work at the level of the Blood, our precious resource that roots our Spirit
- Help us with storing and releasing emotions, memories, and toxins
- Help us experience greater emotional stability and balance
- Help us focus and think and remember more clearly
- Protect our survival and our vital organs
- Are part of the system of karma—energy that we carry from life to life, and that can be liberated in this lifetime
- Are part of our connection with our family members, living, dead, and yet to come—current, ancestral, and descendants—and with all of humanity
The Primary Channels
- Are responsible for our 24/7 earthly functioning
- Energetically link with their physical organs
- Shape and hold our personality
- Deliver the energy and resources needed to fulfill our spiritual purposes
What We Will Be Exploring Together in this Luo Class
- For every one of us, emotional issues arise in the course of our lives, from the moment of birth to the moment of death, as part of our human development.
- The way we manage these issues impacts our vitality and well-being, especially at the level of the Blood, which stores emotions and roots the Spirit.
- We can let go of our baggage, more safely and easily than we might have imagined, with the support of the Luo Channels. When we do, there is space for renewal. We can distill the wisdom and compassion the experiences were meant to bring, and release the no-longer-needed weight of suffering.
- In this eleven-month class, focusing on flow in the Ying or middle level of the body, we will explore many topics, including but not limited to:
- The positive, healthy, life-affirming emotions that are part of our well-being, intimately keyed in to our lives through our organs
- Rooting the Spirit, with clarity of mind, flow of healthy emotions, and physical ease
- Energetically clearing toxins, physical and nonphysical
- Releasing difficult, unstable, stagnant energy
- If you’d like to learn more, watch this free introductory lecture on the Luo class by Amy, recorded January 22, 2025; the passcode to watch is AA7#ckC&
Who Might Enjoy This Luo Class?
People who:
- Feel a calling to explore the sacred and the beautiful
- Take pleasure in metaphysical understanding of how life systems work
- Want practical energy skills to improve their body/mind/spirit functionality
- Are interested in the co-creative process
- Want to let go of old patterns, judgments, and inner restrictions, and come more fully into the present moment
- Seek integration and wholeness and
- Above all, are curious, on a path of spiritual growth, and feel drawn to the subject matter
Wherever you are in this particular incarnated life, as a spirit having an earthly experience, your physical body and psyche are key allies in your spiritual growth and development. Your body is your oldest, wisest, strongest, and most loyal friend, constantly striving to help you maintain a presence on Earth, in order to fulfill your spiritual purpose. In addition, your psyche is a repository of your beliefs and emotions, an engine driving your experiences, a pool whose waters reflect your state of learning, growth, and service. Consequently, by learning a new “view” of the microscopic and macroscopic truths of your being, and by observing and resonating with energy flows in the Complement Channels, you can open new opportunities for freedom, well-being, and self-care.
You can use these teachings for self-care, and for assisting others. Come and immerse yourself in the Luo Channels, part of your birthright as a human being of light.
If you’d like to learn more, watch this free introductory lecture on the Luo class by Amy, recorded January 22, 2025; the passcode to watch is AA7#ckC&
Prerequisites to Join This Class on the Luo Complement Channels
This class is suitable for beginners as well as experienced meditators. No previous experience with meditation or energy bodywork is required. Certainly, all life experiences are helpful whenever you learn new material, or approach familiar material in new ways. Moreover, there probably will be a range of people in this class with different backgrounds.
You’ll need an internet connection with enough bandwidth to join and participate in a video conference via your computer, phone, or pad, and a working email.
Luo Class Dates 2025
Class meets on Zoom from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Pacific time on these Wednesdays, barring an emergency (e.g., wildfire, farm situation, etc.), in which case Amy will reschedule. If you cannot make the class time, no worries, you will have access to the class recordings after. We’ll explore the Luo Channels and their Primaries with discourse, meditation, sharing, partner exercises, Q & A, and more. We meet on Zoom, so you can study comfortably from home, no need to travel.
- February 12 Openness to Connection
- March 5 Assimilation of Experience
- March 12 Q & A (Note: clocks change in USA Mar 10)
- March 26 Gut Feelings (Note: Mercury retrograde Mar 15 – Apr 7)
- April 16 Thoughts & Boundaries
- April 30 Q & A
- May 7 Radiant Animation
- May 28 Discernment
- June 11 Q & A
- June 18 Feedback
- July 9 Will
- July 16 Q & A
- July 30 Coping -(Note: Mercury retrograde July 18 – Aug 11)
- August 20 Ingenuity
- September 3 Q & A
- September 10 Decisiveness
- October 1 Creative Interest
- October 15 Q & A
- October 22 Liberation Yin & Yang
- November 5 Freedom, Flow, & Life (Note: clocks change in USA Nov 3)
- November 12 Q & A (Note: Mercury retrograde Nov 9 – 29)
- December 3 Bringing It All Together
- December 17 Blessing
Tuition for the Luo Class
Choose your preferred Payment Plan:
Firstly, you have the option of the Monthly Subscription Plan: $175/month x 11 months = total tuition $1925. You can make your first payment here.
– or –
Secondly, you may choose the Pay-in-Full Plan: Receive a $100 discount, total tuition = $1825. Ready? Pay here. After that, you are done with all your payments for the year for this class.
Payments are made through the RoseLight web site portal, using debit card, credit card, PayPal, Venmo, or GPay; or Apple Pay, if you are on an Apple device with Safari as the browser.
Enrollment in the Luo Class
These are sacred healing spaces, not for gossip or social gaming. By enrolling, you agree to come with the intention to support your own and others’ spiritual healing and spiritual direction, regardless of their race, national origin, gender, or other personal attributes; and, importantly, you agaree to maintain confidentiality of the space: whom you see here, what you hear here, let it stay here. Thanks for helping us to create a safe, inclusive, warm space. These Channels are for all of us, inherent in all of humanity.
To enroll, there are two steps.
1. Please fill out an Enrollment Registration Form and
2. Pay a tuition payment using one of the links above, either Monthly Subscription Plan or Pay-in-Full Plan.
Amy will begin transmitting to assist you when you enroll.
Each class session is conducted by Zoom on a private link you will be given when you enroll.
Although surely it will be better if you attend live, you always have the option of catching the recording if you have to miss a class.
Required Texts for the Luo Class
Please purchase these texts and order early (fulfillment may take a bit of time) so that you can have them in hand before you come to class, if you don’t already own them.
Throughout the class series, you may experience significant shifts in your energy.
Suggested RoseLight Home Study Support: Healing is Change
Spiritual Direction Focus
The Complement Channels are the basis of Classical Chinese Medicine acupuncture. (This is a complete system of medicine, intact for thousands of years, different from what most people understand as acupuncture in today’s world.) However, these RoseLight classes are not teachings in the practice of medicine, but are a study and meditative exploration of spiritual direction. To pursue clinical medical acupuncture study, please visit And certainly, if you need medical attention, please consult your physician, or call 911, or go to your local emergency room.