Building the Golden Body™ Volume 3: Healing is Change Products

These Building the Golden Body™ Volume 3: Healing is Change products offer journeys for spiritual healing for self and others

  • This is an album of 8 meditations, available as individual audio mp3 tracks purchased singly, according to your interests
  • Written word edited transcript of all 8 meditations
    • PDF file US Letter page format (used in USA, Canada, Mexico, and Dominican Republic)
    • PDF file A4 page format (international standard except for the countries listed above)
  • For details, click on icons below
  • Click here for an overview of the contents of all the RoseLight meditations in the Building Your Golden Body™ Product Category

1. Welcome, A Seed Thought
2. Will to Heal
3. Scanning Etheric Nervous System
4. Recapturing Mental Energy
5. Self-Acceptance/Feedback
6. Helping Others Heal
7. Healing Field for Organs
8. Setting Energy for Healing Day

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