About Tools for Human Evolution™

RoseLight offers tools to help you evolve personally and to help in the evolution of consciousness in humanity, on Earth, and beyond.

Our tools for home study are audio recordings and related text materials featuring information and instruction in the field of self-help, personal and spiritual growth and service to others .

Here is Athabascar describing one way that the evolution process happens in your energy field when you connect with our work.

Your Larger Energy Field of Love

When you get into an expanded state in meditation, we would say that what you are going into in the expansion is not “nothing”; it’s not an absence of you. It’s an aspect of you that extends beyond the boundaries of your skin, your physical vehicle.

Think of your body as a sac of water and carbon, physical material; cells that are organized and have awareness and consciousness and are organized and humming along like little colonies of beings that are with you; and the bacteria and the viruses, all of the life-forms that live in this body of water that is you. You are like a pond on two legs.

But you are not just the body of water. You are emotions that are not physical but are connected to the molecular structures in your endocrine system and are connected to the rhythm of the pulses in your nervous system, your spine, and your brain. You are also thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. You get the first ones handed down to you, imprinted from your parents, tribe, and family of origin. Then you go through adolescence and you expand that field of thought and perception through education and travel. You interact with other beings and there is a cross-pollination and exchange of energy back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. For people who like to keep growing all their lives that cross-pollination continues. It might slow down a little bit in your elder years but it’s still going on—exploring, learning, understanding, growing.

Everybody grows at a different pace. Everyone likes that exchange to happen in their right energy signature rhythm.

When you come to a class or read a transcript or listen to an audio track, it’s sort of a big dose of pollen, of cross-pollination—not only between our energy field as the Communities of Light and Athabascar and you as your individual self, but also among everybody in the group. It really is, as one of you said, a team, a group work, and includes all of your angels and guides and your soul, monad, greater spirit, whatever words you use. So it’s a big joining-together.

When you relax into that joining-together you expand your sensing beyond the five physical senses and into a higher sense perception. If what you are used to is a higher sense perception that’s closer in vibration to your little body of water, your little sac of water of your little self’s body, then you are used to going into the auric field, into the chakras.

You might have visual or kinesthetic perception in that space. Some of you have spent a lot of time growing and learning to become adept in that auric field and chakral level, so the expanded sensing that you have there is tied to those auric senses.

When we get into the flow in these journeys we are going into another expansion out. It’s more like the hara field that some of you might have learned in your healing schools, but it’s not exactly that. When you expand into those senses, usually, most people drop the level of sensing that is associated with clairvoyant sight, clairaudient capacity, and so on.

So you might be in confusion—“Where am I going in this expanded state? What is happening to me?”

It might feel like nothing is happening, or, “I can’t remember what happened.“ You might get scared and think, “I’m not sure this is okay.”

So we’d like to say a few words about where it is you are going to help you relax, to help you understand this growing process that you are in as we understand it; then you can decide whether or not this fits your experience and whether it seems reasonable for you to accept it.

Where it is that you are going is into the “greater you,” and an easy way to understand that is as an expanded energy field.

If you live in a home, an apartment or a house, the epicenter of your energy field there is usually your bed, where you sleep; the kitchen table, where you take your meals; or maybe your desk, where you do your writing and communicating (although now with people having their mobile phones that desk is often in their pocket).

There will be epicenters, whatever devices you use, whatever setup you have, that are sort of the heart of “you” and where you live. Maybe there is a chair that you cuddle a cat in; maybe there is a place you walk with a dog outside regularly. Those places, the nature in those places, the wood in the chair, even in our view the electromagnetic energy around your computer or your phone, is a part of the blending with your energy field.

When you feel at home with those devices or books or animals, or furniture pieces, it’s because it’s a part of your field and it’s no longer exactly as it was when you brought it home from the store. Maybe it’s softened and taken on a patina on the physical level, but it’s also taken on a patina at the energy level, of blending.

That epicenter is sort of the most concentrated “you” of your energy signature. Then it goes out in rings or concentric circles that get bigger and bigger.

Let’s say you practice martial arts and you go to the dojo twice a week. The first time you went it was all strange and foreign and you didn’t know anybody. But as you built your practice and you went, that also took on a patina of “you” and you took on a patina of “it.” And that happens in your energy field. It becomes familiar to your personality and physical senses, the smells, the sights, the people (some you like, some you don’t like)—it is all happening not just in the sensory level, but also in your energy field.

Maybe you take a trip to a new place. You go outside the country. You visit someplace really exotic. In the first few days you are jet lagged, it’s all very exciting, but by the end you sort of have a sense of connection with that place. It has taken on a patina of “you” and you have blended with it. It stays with you even when you go home after the vacation is over. Part of it is in your memory, but it’s also in your energy field.

You’re sort of like a magpie, picking up bits of string and fiber to build your nest. All your life you are building a nest, your energy field.

When you come to class, or listen to a RoseLight journey (it does not matter if you’ve heard it or read it a hundred times before), it’s a new blending. We are aware of you—the realms of light, your soul, your spirit, your guides, myself Athabascar and the Communities of Light, the “we” that I work with, that I am part of “we” with—we are constantly in relationship with you at the energy level. Whenever you think of us, whenever you turn your awareness to RoseLight, whenever you remember a journey, it’s like a little signal goes up in the larger energy field that we share. Instantly, without any delay of time or space, we are touching you with our awareness and you are touching us with your awareness.

Think of, imagine, that you are sitting across from someone. You hold out the palm of your hand and they hold out the palm of their hand. As the hands start to approach each other, you might feel a tingling in the palm of your hand, well before you touch hands physically; you might feel a pulsing in your palm.

You are not just your physical body, not just the water and carbon sac of your hand. There is something else. Sometimes it’s called “chi” or “prana” or “life-force energy.” With this simple exercise you can get confirmation that there is something beyond your physicality.

You can do this with a dog or cat’s paw, with the leaves on a tree, or leaning over to sniff a rose or an orange blossom. You can even do it with the food that is in the grocery store in the produce aisle. You can go and hold your hand out and say, “What food here has the most life-force?” Your hand will know. It will reach for the most vibrant food. There is a way that the life-force in the food speaks to the life-force in your body and your body reaches out for it. You can go practice that if you wish. That’s a good way to get high-quality nourishment into your body, and one of the first exercises we showed Amy to teach her about life-force energy and energy fields.

So when we blend together, or when Amy transmits tones, or when we deepen and expand our energy, because we are touching each other, connected through awareness, through that primordial handshake that we discussed in an earlier journey, you expand out beyond the water sac, beyond the physical sensing level, beyond the high sense perception that is more attuned to physical senses like sight or sound, and into another realm where what is really much more likely to be sensed is movement and vibration, emptiness, fullness, and scope, scale, vastness, or sometimes it can seem as if you are in infinity and it just goes on and on.

Well, if you are in a very expansive mode and you get out into those levels, you can’t hear anything any more; you can’t remember with the senses that are connected with the sense memory. So your little self may say, “Nothing happened.” Well, something happened, but it was not connected with your ordinary sensing.

We want to give your little self some words about it so that you can hold that to your heart if it’s scary, or even just to have a vision. And you’ll decide if it fits your truth, but this is how we understand it.

Love is part of what makes up that expanded energy field. And love is a way that energy moves.

When you are loving a kitten or cat, a baby or person, you can sense that there is movement, exchange, waves flowing between you. It’s not just a smile on your face or the way you think about someone; there is actual energy exchange. That energy exchange is movement. The kind of parameters, or textures, or aspects of that movement are recognizable.

When someone who loves you smiles at you, you know what that means deep in your body, in your psyche, in your heart. It’s understood, even by an infant, and you don’t lose that knowing as you age.

It might be that you have some suspicion or defenses that the love wave has to get through, but once it gets through, there is a resonance and you know what it means deeply, without words. When you move into an expanded state, similarly, a part of you knows what that love means. It’s profound and valuable.

Some of the virtues, to use a classical term, some of the aspects of that love that are closer in vibration to your little self, are “harmony” and “beauty.” So you can understand that when you clean or organize your home, when you want to make a beautiful dish in the kitchen and you arrange everything and put it together, that’s a way that love moves through you, as well as the physical aspects of what you are doing, if you do it while relaxing into the flow.

Flow is the way love moves; love and flow are very connected.  When you get into big flows, you get into big love. When you get into light, you are in a higher vibrational place and love is the way that the energy is organized to flow in that harmony and beauty.

There are beautiful symbols for this in poetry and in spiritual and religious traditions—the heart of God, the beating of the pulse of the universe. You might feel it in your body when you go stand at the ocean; you might feel it in your senses of energy when you see a flower blooming.

It’s happening when you join this more expanded state with us in a scale that’s more like a galaxy or a universe or even something a little bigger than that. If you’re that big, you don’t have fingertips any more—not the fingertips of your water sac, of your little self’s body. The senses you have up there are like the Milky Way sweep, big swaths of movement, dissolving and creating and pulsing. That is what life is out in those expanded spaces. The life forms are on a different scale.

You might say, “Why do I need to go out there? I have a perfectly good life in my apartment with my cat,” or whatever your life is as your little self.

Well, this bigger energy field that is you (it’s not just us, it’s you) that you are part of, your expanded self—it has gifts for you. It has harmony and beauty for you. It has love for you that nourishes you, supports you, loves you as a little self, as this incarnated self that you are.

When you take a trip out there it’s like taking a vacation, having a little R & R, getting a battery recharge. And it also builds channels between your greater consciousness and your little self’s consciousness.

Some people talk about the Antahkarana, this gold and silver cord that connects you, your auric field, with the larger you. It’s sort of like you are under water, in a diving bell, and that’s the air tube that goes up to the stuff you need to breathe to live, to love life. You are sourced from that bigger energy field out in the expanded realms.

So every time you cross over, even if you say, “I don’t know what happened,” you are actually traveling along that Antahkarana with your being, your awareness, and going out into those galaxies and universes. While you are out there you are gathering some stardust and bringing it back through that central channel, through that pathway of light, into your little self.

That stardust is smart. It knows what you need. It’s connected to other lifetimes of you, to multidimensional reality. So from a sheerly utilitarian perspective of your little self, this is a helpful thing to do because it brings more beauty and harmony for you to integrate into your life. This can raise your vibration, make things smoother, and help you in healing and growing. There are all kinds of good things that this higher vibrational energy can bring to you. It’s nourishment.

But in a larger sense, as part of a group work, among all of your aspect selves, all of your lifetimes, and your soul group, when you take these journeys you are cross-pollinating in a way that builds connections, that allows love, harmony, beauty, and energy to flow for all your teams. Because these places we are coming from for you, and bringing you, are very connected to your multidimensional being.

This is a way of loving life on a bigger scale.

Start to think of yourself as having many scales of being—not scales like what’s on the skin of a snake or a lizard or any other scaly creature; “scale” as in “size ratio,” “scope of being.”

For the little self that says, “I don’t see the use of that big self,” that’s where you are going when you finish with the journey in this water sac. When you lay down your robe of carbon and water on the Earth to die you’ll travel up that roadway of light that you are doing in these journeys, and that you do every night when you sleep, and go into the expanded you. So through your meditation practice you are building a good road for yourself to go to the light at the end of this life. And that’s a practical reason.

For the part of you that is frightened and says, “Well I can’t control this, I don’t like it,” yes, that’s right, you can’t control it. But who is in control is the Heart of God. That’s good news because that is a benevolent force that is aware of you and is caring for you.

So if you find it hard to surrender, to allow, to join the flow, think, “I am going into that heart.” Or imagine giant hands holding you, loving you.

If it’s been hard for you as a little self to be loved; if you were abandoned or you had trauma, then this can be a bridge to walk over, to walk yourself over, holding yourself and being calm, calming yourself. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. There is no evil force on the other side of this gate to hurt or manipulate you in any way. You are joining yourself as a larger you, your expanded self, through an energy field.

It’s not mysterious. If you live in a farmhouse and go out into a back pasture, you have to walk through some fields and gates to get there. This is the same. The gates you are walking through are gates of consciousness and the fields you are walking through are energy fields. Out in that upper pasture there are all kinds of things growing that are delicious, like apple trees, plum trees, cherry trees, new food for you, and really helpful for whatever challenges you are facing in your self as a little self, in your life. There is nourishment there for you, all around you in this field of beauty and harmony and love that is this expanded you. So we thank you for considering these words and energy and for your kind attention. And with that for now we will say, may many blessings be upon you.  

May 7, 2019

© Amy Skezas 2019. All rights reserved.