Grow with higher consciousness photo image pouring water to nourish plants

About Higher Consciousness

Higher Consciousness Helps You Generate a Higher Tone

  • You have the gift to with this lifetime what you will
  • That means, choice by choice, moment by moment, day by day, and every one is another chance
  • You can choose to use your abilities for a higher good, to generate compassion, to make a contribution
  • Remember that the character of your existence is determined by the energies to which you connect

RoseLight Provides Gateways to Higher Consciousness

  • Amy’s teachings contain words and energy
  • They convey transmissions of spiritual love, light, and flow
  • They are positive and beneficial
  • They touch you through your own higher self
  • This  is help, directly, for you
  • You integrate this help through your personal energy field
  • From there you absorb it physically, emotionally, and mentally
  • The transmission is tailored to where you are in the moment

Your Intention & Higher Consciousness

  • What’s most important is your heartfelt intention to grow
  • Higher consciousness is aware of you, loves you, and will help you
    • In the ways and in the timing your Soul deems best
  • The more open to growth you are, the more progress you can make

Time & Place for Higher Consciousness

  • Remember the Goldilocks principle: “Not too hot, not too cold, just right”
    • Grow at the right pace for you
    • Alternate meditations with grounding activities
      • To ground, take a walk in Nature, have a meal, exercise, etc.
      • Don’t meditate while doing things that require your full attention, like driving a car

Crossing Over/Yogic Sleep

  • Amy’s meditations speak to the “you” deep inside
  • When you connect, you may grow so relaxed that you seem to fall asleep
  • This lets you absorb higher consciousness more gradually
  • It’s safe and okay to cross over
  • Over time you’ll naturally fill in waking knowledge and awareness

Take a Rest After Meditation Is Over

  • Meditating is like going to the gym—you are building new “muscles” of consciousness
  • In your physical body, this activity is taking place in your organs, cells, and even your atoms
  • If you can, be still and quiet for 5 – 10 minutes when the meditation ends
  • This yogic rest helps you integrate higher consciousness in your body and psyche
  • Proper rest helps you become more radiant, luminous, and vital
  • If you get antsy, get up
  • If you need longer, take the extra time

If You Need More Support

  • Some ways to receive support from RoseLight tools
    • Breathe with the four-fold Invocation: I call forth the light, I open to the light, I receive the light, I am the light
    • Book a private Consultation with Amy
    • Come to Compassionate Response sessions, held monthly
  • And of course there is lots of support available from other sources as well
    • Spend time in Nature
    • Talk with a therapist or counselor
    • Receive hands-on bodywork or long-distance energy work
    • Hang out with the cat or dog or other animal friends
    • Ask for hugs from loved ones
  • If resistance comes up
    • Let it ripen and when you’re ready, look into it
    • Remember that it is a gift
    • It holds key information for you
    • Accept yourself
    • Take a longer view