About Your Golden Body

Audio Sample photo image of radiant light shining from the water at the edge of the land on the beach

Higher Vibrational Energy

One path of spiritual growth is to learn about your Golden Body and about higher vibrational energy. The world, including our own bodies, is made of energy, and there are lots of different kinds of energy, based in different vibrations and frequencies. Golden energy is a part of higher vibrational energy, and is

  • More available to us when we learn to tap into it
  • Deeply nourishing
  • Part of how creation becomes manifest
  • A doorway to find and join a higher flow in life

When you touch in with golden energy, you harmonize your own energy field. You activate potential and manifest a different set of perspectives, opportunities, and choices. Golden Body helps you be more in touch with the force that brings about the miracle of birth, the glow of vitality, the hush of the deep woods, and the movement of the stars across the heavens. Golden Body opens new avenues for growth and service in these times of intensity and planetary change.

Awakening the Golden Body

Your awareness is a vehicle.

How you focus your awareness determines your experience.

The realms of spiritual love, light, and flow are a higher vibrational reality that is always present, but not always sensed; we are usually distracted and paying attention to our lives at a different level.

With intention, relaxation, and guidance you can learn to focus your awareness into the higher vibrational reality of the Golden Body.

This process of learning to focus this way is “awakening.”

As you awaken in the Golden Body you build connections of awareness between higher vibrational reality and your physical, emotional, and mental bodies.

These connections conduct higher vibrational energy from a larger, super-conscious energy field into your personal energy field.

You can awaken your Golden Body with these free guided video meditations: RoseLight Awakening Your Golden Body Online, Part 1Part 2, and Part 3

Building the Golden Body

Every time you focus your awareness into golden energy, you make a connection.

Each connection is a point of light that is

  • Multidimensional
  • Part of the larger, eternal You
  • Alive and interactional
  • Full of intelligence, benevolence, and grace
  • Beyond time and space, yet through you, becoming part of time and space

As you practice you can build and enhance these connections and increase your personal energy field’s ability to conduct higher vibrational energy; you can become a generator of spiritual love, light, and flow.

Why Awaken and Build the Golden Body?

Your Golden Body provides a base of harmony that can help you respond to life with greater joy, vitality, and well-being.

From this harmony, you can more easily notice and join a higher flow.

In a higher flow, synergy and synchronicity are natural occurrences.

Your thoughts, words, and deeds can be more effective and supportive.

Doors open and intuitive signals guide you step by step into a higher expression of your potential.

This is a process of liberating held energy and becoming more available for spiritual growth and service.

As you build your Golden Body you make a contribution to others not only because of what you do, but because of what you are, and what you make available through your being.

It can happen in mundane, simple ways as well as profound, “peak” experiences; it is a natural part of being alive and in contact with these energies.

Where Does This Energy Come From?

Amy: I was shown this energy by my formless teacher, Athabascar. I connected with Athabascar in 1987; I founded RoseLight at Athabascar’s instruction to serve as a home for our spiritual work. Athabascar helped me begin to develop Golden Body in the early 1990’s in my own energy field, then in the mid-1990’s we began helping others to awaken and build the Golden Body. Athabascar says he is a teacher of souls and that this work is coming from the soul level to assist us individually and collectively. The Golden Body energy exists in Nature, but most human beings have not yet cultivated the capacity to generate it at will. When we do, we add to the available resource bank, our own and the collective. This is a contribution that supports healing and evolution.